Before: front and back

Brian and I in our haircut capes

He's happy now.... doesn't know what's coming :o)

After: back- he's so wiggly now I couldn't get a good picture

Handsome boy with his new haircut

Brian's hair was getting pretty long and hanging over his ears, so we thought it was time for his first real haircut. My sister Lisa had trimmed over his ears back in April, but he'd never had a haircut with the buzzers before. He was not a happy baby during the experience, but he sure looks cute and more grown up now that it's cut. And I'm pretty sure he's forgiven us for scaring him with the buzzers. :o)
It is so hard to cut little boys hair that age, huh? We struggle at our house! It looks cute, though! I need to cut Jack's again! It is out of control! But he hates hates hates it! :)
I love it! He is so handsome! And stylish! :) You need a girl next so you don't have to worry about cutting it all the time!
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