Friday, May 7, 2010

Big Hugs

Brian learned a trick! We're easily amused, as you can see from the video below, but it was so funny last night. Brian kept leaning into Ben's shoulder, so Ben started to say, "big hugs!" to him when he'd do it. After 2 or 3 times we realized Brian was giving hugs on command each time Ben would say, "big hugs!" He is so much fun!

ps. Don't mind my wheezing as I'm laughing in the background or Brian's matted hair- he kept rubbing into Ben's shoulder and his hair started to look like an old man's comb over. :o)


Emily said...

LOL That was so cute! I think Ben was just as cute as Brian in that video! I love it when they learn little things like that! So fun!

Judy, Harold, AKA: Nana , Papa said...

Sarah, what t Emily W. says is true..hard to say who is cuter &/or having more fun! Brian is growing & learning sooo fast. It is so good you are keeping this 'memories' to look back on later. And, HAPPY 1st MOTHER'S DAY! Isn't it wonderful? There is no greater gift from God than to have a the child biological or adopted. And, there is no greater thing to do for your parents & grandparents, than to share that gift of grandchildren/great-grands, so they may come to know & love each other.
Love Aunt Judy oxoxox

Sara Love said...

I love how he leans his head in! The little ones are SO SMART! How sweet! You guys must be crazy about that little guy!! ;-)