Monday, March 15, 2010

7 months

Brian turned 7 months on February 22nd, but we're late in posting his shoe pictures. At 7 months, we think he is about 20 pounds, maybe heavier. He is getting so big! He is sleeping through the night now, which is wonderful! He usually goes to bed between 8:30 and 9:30 and will sleep until 6:00 or 7:00. He is sitting up really good on his own and we are trying to help him become more mobile, but he still hates being on his tummy. He is also still working on rolling over- he'll roll to his side, but can't quite move his arms enough to fully roll over. One time we put him on his tummy and he immediately rolled to his back, and we were so excited that he had rolled over, but he hasn't done it since! I am sure he'll get it soon enough and we'll be wishing he wasn't mobile. :o)


Emily said...

Oh cute! Jack just started army crawling and at first I was excited...then I tried to do some cleaning! It is so hard with 2 mobile kids, now! So just enjoy the lack of mobility! :)

Judy, Harold, AKA: Nana , Papa said...

Love every shoe pic! And Brian will be really mobile B-4 you know it...& look out then! We were so glad to see you again Sarah & to meet Ben & Brian in person! Oh, & Happy Belated B'Day Ben! Love that you keep the Blog up Sarah, since I don't do FB anymore.
Love Aunt Judy & Uncle Harold oxoxox