Brian's first picture inside Disneyland
Brian and I on the carousel in California Adventure
Brian's first time swimming
Our family at California Adventure
Our family at Disneyland (the sun was shining right at us! I'm suprised Brian wasn't crying in this picture- I couldn't open my eyes)
The view from our living room at the beach house on Sunset Beach
On the Hollywood Walk of Fame - Tom Hanks
Ben and Chuck Norris
The Kodak Theater where the Oscars are presented
Brian and I in at the Kodak Theater in front of the Hollywood sign on the hill
Star Wars characters footprints outside of the Grohmen's Chinese Theater
Random people dressed up on the Hollywood Walk of Fame
Sunset in California
We had a great time down in California last week. We went to Disneyland and California Adventure the first 3 days we were there. It was really warm and sunny and tons of people were there (although they were saying they had about 30,000 less people than normal there- it sure didn't seem like it!). Brian liked all the rides we took him on. He didn't cry or get scared by Pirates of the Carribean like I thought he might. He slept a lot and we tried to keep him out of the sun as much as possible, so we don't have a ton of pictures at the park, at least not on our camera. We took him swimming for his first time at the hotel, but we went at night when it was colder, so he didn't like it much and only lasted a minute or so in the water. We stayed at a gorgeous beach house on Sunset Beach for the last part of the week. It was great waking up and seeing the ocean and beach right outside the window. We spent a day in Hollywood seeing the Walk of Fame and foot/hand prints in front of the Grohmen's Chinese Theater and Kodak Theater. We also drove up to Hollywood Hills to see some of the fance houses, but couldn't find our way to the really big ones. It was still fun to finally see Hollywood. Brian did pretty well on the flight down and back. Overall it was a great trip! Thanks Mom and Dad for inviting us!!
That looks so fun! I love the family picture in front of the California Adventure. You guys are such a cute family!
SOO fun! I need to email you about your trip and get some advice about it...but I am super jealous, and looked like a blast!
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