My sister Lisa and her husband Spencer dressed up as a Hershey "hug" and "kiss" ha ha

Spock and Spock- we saw this Spock at the Trunk or Treat and had to have Brian take a picture with him- Brian didn't know what he was doing with his hand :o)

Ben decorated our car like a mouth and he hooked it up so you could open and close the trunk so it would get kids as they put their hands in (it didn't actually close on them) It was funny to see kids' reactions to it- a lot of them didn't want to come near it because they were afraid. We got lots of comments that we were the most creative car.

Our little Spock- he actually didn't mind the hat on his head which surprised me

Us dressed up as "Star Trek nerds"- can you believe I put a Star Trek shirt on?? I can't believe it either... but Brian looked so cute/funny in that Spock outfit!

Captain Kirk and Spock

Lisa watched Brian for a little bit one night and this is how he came home :o)

Those are leg warmers on his legs- he could barely walk he was so bundled up ha ha

We watched Daniel, Benjamin and Sally the other night and Benjamin packed his skeleton jammies so we put Brian in his, too. Benjamin thought it was so fun to be matching

Picking pumpkins at my parent's pumpkin patch
Cousins: Andrew, Brian, Logan, Megan, Connor, Benjamin, Daniel, and Sally

Brian wasn't so sure about the pumpkin patch when we put him down next to the pumpkins

Then he got used to it and smiled for us

Wearing the spider headband my mom got all the grandkids