I got tagged on Facebook a few times with this couples post, but couldn't figure out how to post a note on Facebook... so, I figured I'd just post it here on my blog since I haven't updated in awhile. Here you go-
1. What are your middle names? Mine is Michelle and his is Wayne
2. How long have you been together? Since September"ish" 2007
3. How long did you know each other before you started dating? Umm... good question... a few months, I guess.
4. Who asked whom out? I actually asked Ben out after getting pushed and pushed to do it by lots of people- let's just say it wasn't the best date- I was so awkward! We joke now about how I can't believe he wanted to keep going out with me- I'm so glad he did!!
5. How old are you? I am 27 and Ben will be 27 in less than a week
6. Whose siblings do you see the most? We see my siblings a lot more, especially now that his brother Daniel moved to Arkansas for a few months before his mission. All of Ben's siblings and parents live in different states than us.
7. Do you have any children together? We are expecting our first this September!!!
8. Pets? Nope, we can't have any where we live now, though Ben would LOVE to get a cat, and I wouldn't mind it, as long as the litter box is in the garage and I don't have to clean it!
9. Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple? Probably financial
10. Did you go to the same school? No
11. Are you from the same town? No
12. Who is the smartest? Ben
13. Who is the most sensitive? Me
14. Where do you eat out most as a couple? Red Robin
15. Where is the farthest you have traveled as a couple? Hawaii and Georgia
16. Who has the craziest exes? No comment... :o)
17. Who has the worst temper? I don't think either of us has a bad temper. Ben gets road "aggrevation", but even that isn't too bad.
18. Who does the cooking? Ben does- I'm so lucky!
19. Who is more social? Neither of us
20. Who is the neat freak? Me!
21. Who is more stubborn? I would have to say Ben... but I can be stubborn, too
22. Who hogs the bed? We're both pretty good at not hogging the bed
23. Who wakes up earlier? Depends on what time we work. Usually me, since I have to be to work earlier most days, but Ben will usually get up not too long after me because he feels bad sleeping in when I have to get up and go to work.
24. Where was your first date? Outback Steakhouse, mini golf, and the movies.
25. Who has the bigger family? Ben
26. Do you get flowers often? Every so often- Valentine's Day and my birthday
27. How do you spend the holidays? We spent the holidays with my family since Ben's live so far away. Though we're hoping his parents will come out here for Christmas this year with the new baby and everything.
28. Who is more jealous? Me
29. How long did it take to get serious? 3 or 4 months- not long at all!
30. Who eats more? Used to be Ben, but now that I'm pregnant I could eat an elephant! I'm so hungry all the time- not fun!
31. Who does the laundry? Me
32 Who is better with the computer? Definitely Ben
33. Who drives when you are together? Ben
I don't like tagging people, but if you read this, I'd love to hear your answers!