Saturday, January 23, 2010


Just some random pictures from the month. I realized I wasn't taking that many pictures, so I'm trying to remember to bring out the camera more. Brian turned 6 months old yesterday. Today for some reason he just seems bigger and older than he did before. We got an exersaucer from my sister-in-law yesterday and he loves being able to sit up and look around and is learning that he can play with the toys on it. I'll have to take pictures of him in it soon. I don't know who all actually looks at this blog, but if you do, I've done a few posts the past couple of days, so be sure to scroll down.


Bruce Higginbotham said...

I look at your blog daily and really appreciate the pictures and stories. I wish we could have could have been there to see Brian when he was younger but this is so nice to be able to at least see pictures of him as he is growing. I love you all.

Dad (in Arkansas but not for too much longer)

Emily said...

I love those batman pjs! So cute! I also love his hair in a mohawk! He looks so much older to me, too! What a cutie! Don't you love chubbie babes? I have to restrain myself when hugging Jack bc I want to SQUEEZE HIM!!!!! :) I want to squeeze Brian too!!! :) cute post.

Sara Love said...

Sarah - he is so stinkin' cute! I just want to hold him and squeeze him. Love those cheeks!!!