Thursday, January 28, 2010

6 months!

Brian turned 6 months old on the 22nd of January. At his appointment he weighed 17lbs 15.5oz, which is the 50-75th%, height was 25 1/2 inches, which is the 20th%, and his head is 43.6 cm, which is the 50th%. He is now off of his special premie formula (which we called his "miracle grow") because he has caught up to his age group now, as you can see from his weight- he is getting so big! He is getting a lot better with sitting on his own and is able to balance himself if he leans to far to one side or the other, but will still fall backwards sometimes when he gets distracted. We are getting excited about our trip to Disneyland in a little over 2 weeks!! Any tips on travelling with a baby will be appreciated. :o)


Ginger said...

Fun! We'll be @ Disneyland again in March...had a blast w/the kids in November, but saved 2 days of our 4 day passes to go again b/c frankly 2 days there was enough for all of us, even if it is the happiest place on earth. Is everyone going or just you three and how many days will you be down that way?
Travel w/kids is SO fun, hehe...seriously though, pack a couple small favorite toys and a couple new ones he hasn't seen too, favorite snacks (munchkin snack cups are perfect for travel), etc. Bring extra clothes on the plan (including an extra shirt for each of you in case you get thrown up on or something). Bring plenty of ziplocs in various sizes (a couple gallon ones are nice for the plane to seal up soiled clothes). I always like to carry the smallest kids in a sling or other type carrier so my hands are free for luggage, though you'll have to take them out going through security...but you can also take a stroller & just check it at the gate. Usually you can check a stroller & carseat per child w/out it costing you extra (as most airlines now charge an extra fee per checked bag). Double check the TSA website to make sure of any new travel restrictions and rules on how many liquids, sizes, etc. can be carried on and then put all those things (which will have to be taken out of carryons at security) into one of the bags so you aren't fumbling through multiple carryons & holding up the line all while juggling your child. Don't forget to pack a little baby med bag w/thermometer, nose sucker & spray, tylenol, ibuprofin, teething tablets, etc so you don't have to run to the pharmacy in case of illness. Pack a small ziploc w/sponge, dishsoap, & bottlebrush too to make your life easier. W/Alijah I pre-measured formula into the appropriate number of bottles for trips & had them ready to just add water to as needed. Those sticky throw away bibs are also great for travel as are the disposible sticky placemats for restaurant eating. Oh, and they have those straps for bottles, cups, snackcups which are great to prevent them from being thrown onto the dirty floor (you can strap them to a diaper bag, stroller, carseat, or hand).

Emily said...

Lots of outfits! For blowouts and spit ups! And bags to put messy clothes in. The stroller tip I saw Ginger mentioned is very convenient. bring binkie to help with ears on plane. You will have to give me advice for what to bring to Disney. I am kinda nervous about that. Have fun! That is so exciting!