Brian is 4 months old already! We took him to his check-up yesterday and he is 14lbs 3oz!! He was 9lbs 6oz at his 2 month check up. He is now in the 25-50% for weight, he is 23.5 inches long, which is the 5-10% range, and his head is 41.2cm, which is the 25%. He is growing like a weed! He can sit up good when we are holding him and he is smiling and laughing, which is so fun. We got him the Bumbo chair a few days ago and seems to like it. He makes the funniest faces when I get the camera out. I posted a video of him smiling and laughing at me earlier today, so scroll down and just ignore my singing- he liked it! Oh, and his hair is getting longer, but only on top (he is balding in the back) but it's now looking like an Army buzz cut. And his cowlick right in front is getting more and more out of control, but still cute. :o)
Did my comment not go through? weird. Cute boy!
what a cutie! and he is growing so well! I'm so glad. I love how babies look in those bumbo seats! So cute!
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