Friday, November 7, 2008

6 Quirks

Alright, alright, I'm updating our blog! I know, it's been a long time, but it takes forever for pictures to upload and I just don't have the patience. But, this post doesn't require any pictures, so here goes. Since Michelle tagged me and asked me so politely to update my blog, here are 6 quirks. :o)

1. I am obsessive/compulsive when it comes to being clean and organized. Everything in my house has it's place and order. I have to fight myself from following Ben around putting things away. He knows how OCD I am about this, so he is very good about cleaning up after himself. It's especially hard when he's cooking- I feel like I have to put things away for him immediately when he's done using it. Sometimes I do it a little too fast and he has to get out whatever I put away to use again. I am trying to be better about this!

2. I do not like being dirty, so I will usually shower twice a day, especially if I exercise at night. I love to be nice and clean before I get in bed. If I don't shower, I usually can't fall asleep as fast because I'm thinking about the germs that are on me. I do not like to feel like I'm dirty or stinky.

3. Speaking of stinky, I have an extremely sensitive nose. Lots of smells bother me and I've gotten the nickname "The Nose" from several family members. Animal smells especially bother me. I have a hard time going into my sister's barn, or to see the animals at fairs because the smell makes me want to throw up. I love to look at animals, but I do not usually like to touch them because then I feel like my hands smell really bad and I picture all the animal germs on me. I used to have to take a shower after I played with our pet basset hounds growing up. Those dogs especially stink!

4. I can't wear my pants more than once because they just feel different the next day- too lose and baggy feeling. Plus, back to the germ/smelly issues, I feel like they are too dirty or smelly. I've gotten better about that recently, but still love to have brand clean clothes to wear. I'm sensing a pattern with my quirks...

5. I'm trying to think of quirks other than clean/smelly ones... Oh, here's one. I have this wierd quirk that I have to turn the computer monitors off right when I'm done using the computer... I'm not sure why. I just feel like it looks more organized and neat when they are off... I guess that still fits under the clean category... oh well. Even if Ben has just used the computer and I see that the monitors are on from across the room, I have to go over and turn them off. I really don't know where that came from!

6. Last quirk... I have this wierd thing that I have to clear out all the emails from my inbox. For some reason I don't like to have emails in there. Once I read an email, I have to either delete it and empty the trash bin, or put it in one of my folders if it's an email I want to save. I will also go through and organize/clean out my folders and get rid of emails I don't need anymore.

So, there you have it. Doing that really made me see that I am a very obsessive/compulsive person. Maybe I need to work on some things.... :o) Ok, I guess I need to tag some people... well, anyone that wants to do it, I'd love to read! I will try to be better about posting. Hopefully pictures won't take so long to upload.


The Kenyons said...

Yeah Horray!!! You posted! I am so proud of you! Your quirks made me laugh...I can remember that you couldn't wear the same dress on the same day if you had changed. Like when we went to church and you came home and changed and then we had a fireside that night, you would wear a different dress! :) I love it! It is a good thing to be clean and organized! I wish I had a little more of you in me! :)

Kelli said...

Oh Sarah Sar... It is soo funny how as sisters we are complete opposites. I'm happy to say that today I wore the same pants as I did yesterday. And I even rode my horse and mucked out manure that day :) One day I put my smelly goats in the back of my car and drove them to squak mountain for a hike. How's that for germs?